Jun 11, 2022June MPTA General MeetingCatch up on Juneteenth plans, Summer Youth Activities, September Block Event and more!Join us at 7pm on Monday, 7/13!Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84726590145?pwd=UVljSXJFQkEvenZmelRQYnFNZ3JPdz09 Meeting ID: 847 2659 0145 | Passcode: 453433
Catch up on Juneteenth plans, Summer Youth Activities, September Block Event and more!Join us at 7pm on Monday, 7/13!Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84726590145?pwd=UVljSXJFQkEvenZmelRQYnFNZ3JPdz09 Meeting ID: 847 2659 0145 | Passcode: 453433